May 12, 2020

snore no more 7 easy fixes for snoring and sleep apnea

Snoring is a relatively common condition that in some cases can be caused due to an underlying health disorder called obstructive sleep apnea. This disorder is characterized by shallow breaths and pauses in breathing during sleep. It has many consequences on your overall health that include high blood pressure, depression, and headaches. In this article you will find 7 tips to stop snoring and when you should seek sleep apnea treatment in Winnipeg.

1. Sleep on your side

Sleep apnea and snoring are caused due to a collapse of your airway. Sleeping on your back promotes this collapse by pulling all the soft tissues of your mouth and neck downward. You can fix this issue by changing your sleeping position and sleeping on your side instead. This will prevent gravity from collapsing your airway and you will breathe with ease during the night.

2. Clean your bedroom

Another reason why people seek snoring treatment in Winnipeg is allergies. In some cases, these can make you sleep with your mouth open and this increases your risk of snoring. A good way to control your allergies is by cleaning your bedroom. Make sure to get rid of all the possible sources of allergens by changing your pillow and vacuuming your mattress. Also, if your allergies are severe, you should ask your doctor about what kind of medication you can take to control them, especially during allergy season.

3. Shed some pounds

Snoring and sleep apnea are highly associated with excess weight and obesity. This is the result of fat deposits in the upper airway that narrow it and decrease the activity of the throat muscles. Therefore, before looking for ways to treat sleep apnea near you, you should try to lose some weight. After losing some pounds you will notice the symptoms lessening.

4. Limit alcohol and smoking

Alcohol works as a sedative and relaxes the muscles of your upper airway, making it easier for it to collapse. Therefore, you should avoid drinking any alcohol at least two hours before sleeping to avoid this effect. On the other hand, smoking can cause some irritation to the membranes of your upper airway, which can lead to snoring. As a result, doctors always recommend abandoning this habit for this and many other health concerns, such as the increased risk for cardiovascular diseases.

5. Use a nasal strip

Nasal strips or nasal dilators are particularly helpful for people who suffer from nasal congestion due to allergies or anatomical conditions, that cause them to breathe through their mouths. These strips slightly open your nostrils and keep them from collapsing during inhalation. This increases airflow, and patients no longer need to breathe through their mouths.

6. Try an oral appliance

Did you know, that a dentist in Winnipeg can treat sleep apnea? They may indicate an oral appliance. These look like a mouth guard, is worn during the night and works by pushing your lower jaw forward. This opens up your airway and reduces the risk of snoring and sleep apnea, especially in moderate to severe cases. If you have been snoring for a long time and none of the previous tips have worked, you should visit a dentist near you and ask about this therapeutic option.

7. Try a CPAP machine

CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure. This is a very effective treatment for sleep apnea that must be indicated by a doctor. It works by sending pressurized air into your airway through a mask that is placed over your nose. This pressure prevents your airway from collapsing when you sleep, which in turn reduces snoring.