April 28, 2023

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Starting the road with braces towards a healthier, straighter smile is a huge accomplishment. It’s a revolutionary technique that improves your dental health and confidence, in addition to the appearance of your smile. As we demonstrate the transforming power of orthodontic treatment, our dentist in Winnipeg will walk you through the journey of wearing braces in this blog post.

Understanding Orthodontic Treatment

Traditional braces are sometimes the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of braces. These orthodontic wonders have revolutionized smiles and changed lives for decades as a reliable remedy. Let’s explore what makes conventional braces so exceptional.

Brackets, wires, and elastics are the three main components of conventional braces. The brackets are meticulously attached to the front surface of your teeth using specialized glue and are often made of premium stainless steel. The small wires that are attached to the brackets are what propel the movement of your teeth. The wires are fastened to the brackets using elastics, also referred to as ligatures.

Traditional braces are unique in that they can address a variety of orthodontic problems. They are also a flexible treatment option for overbites and underbites in addition to crowded or misaligned teeth. Your teeth will gradually move into their proper places as a result of the gentle pressure applied by the braces near you.

Traditional braces are a popular option for patients looking for trustworthy and well-researched orthodontic therapy because of their well-documented effectiveness. They provide exact control over tooth movement, enabling your orthodontist to modify the treatment strategy to take into account your unique dental requirements.

Tips to Maintain Oral Hygiene with Braces

  • Clean your teeth – After each meal and snack, brush your teeth thoroughly. Use toothpaste and a soft toothbrush.
  • Floss – Use floss threaders or interdental brushes; these instruments are made specifically for cleaning in and around brackets and wires when wearing metal braces.
  • Use mouthwash – More specifically, use antibacterial mouthwash to rinse; it will kill bacteria and give you fresher breath. Look for an alcohol-free, orthodontic-friendly mouthwash.
  • Reduce your sugar intake – Reduce your intake of sugary foods and beverages because they raise your risk of tooth decay and can become stuck in your braces or aligners, making them harder to clean.
  • Drink lots of water – Drinking lots of water helps you avoid dry mouth, a possible adverse effect of orthodontic treatment, by washing away food particles and bacteria in your mouth.
  • Deal with issues promptly – Orthodontic emergencies should be handled right away; if a wire or bracket becomes loose or causes pain, call your orthodontist right away.
  • Protect your smile – When playing sports, wear a mouthguard to shield your braces and teeth from harm.

Managing Discomfort and Adjusting to Braces

Before choosing to commit to this treatment, it’s important to attend an orthodontic consultation. A dentist near you will examine your teeth, jaw, and bite for any alignment problems, crowding, gaps, or anomalies. X-rays or digital scans of your teeth may be used as part of the assessment to help with diagnosis and treatment planning.

A few other things to keep in mind include:

  • Dental education – In order to help you weigh treatment length, aesthetics, and comfort concerns, the orthodontist will describe the benefits and drawbacks of various braces.
  • Treatment plan and expectations – The orthodontist develops a customized treatment plan for you, outlining the anticipated time frame, the regularity of your appointments, and the processes involved in the orthodontic process.
  • Cost and insurance coverage – Based on the intricacy of your case and the type of braces you decide on, we’ll talk about the cost of your orthodontic treatment as well as any potential insurance coverage or payment options.
  • Personal considerations – Take into account your tastes, lifestyle, and any particular issues you may have with braces, such as their appearance, comfort, or effect on your everyday activities.

Do Conventional Braces Make Sense?

Traditional braces in Winnipeg repeatedly show their value in the quest for the ideal smile. The treatment process is a monument to the orthodontics’ transformational ability, from the initial consultation to the placement of the braces, adjustment visits, and the last step of braces removal.

The rewards are clear, even though the journey could demand persistence and dedication. Traditional braces are adaptable, efficient, and durable, precisely resolving a variety of orthodontic issues. They enable people to have attractive, evenly spaced smiles that exude confidence and make an impression.

Talk to Our Orthodontic Experts

Transform your smile with Polo Park Dental by scheduling your appointment and letting us help you gain a confident smile. You can call or email us to arrange an appointment time that suits your schedule.